Reflective Journal 5
Thank you for dropping by. This entry would be discussing on the Instructional Design. What is Instructional Design? let us take a look !
What is it?
- Create materials and lessons to instruct learners
- Needs Analysis identifies what the learner’s need to learn
- Learning Outcome gives the lessons a unified aim to be achieved
- Creation of syllabus
- Planning of lesson
- Material selection and adaptation
- Planning of implementation and intervention
Call is also part of instructional design. It involves creating computer courseware for learning .Courseware acts as supplement/support to lesson and not as complete replacement and it can be designed for use inside and outside of lesson.
The very first computer assisted instruction system is PLATO (1960-2006).
Logic for Automated Teaching Operations . It is the
first computer assisted instruction system. It can also be programmed to teach any course. It was also Expensive during this time.
Next is the ADDIE model. ADDIE model is a generic process used by instructional designers and training development .
ADDIE stand for:-
ADDIE model provides step by step process in planning a creative training course-ware
it also gives opportunity to re-evaluate learning goal and outcomes.
I think that is all for this time entry.
Thank you for your time . Till next post~!
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